New Feature: Text Message Alerts

It seems like everyone is using text messages more and more as a primary means of communication. Given this, we’ve added a new feature to our automatic notification alerts. In the past, your employees would receive e-mail notifications for certain automatic triggers (see list below). Now, they also have the option of receiving text message alerts as well!

The available alerts for text messages includes:

  • General message notifications
  • General pager notifications
  • Event notifications
  • Shift swap notifications
  • PTO notifications
  • Shift bid notifications

Through the “edit user profile” screen, your employees can pick and choose which alerts they wish to receive. It’s important to point out that the “text message address” and “cell phone carrier” fields must be properly filled out in order for the text message alerts to function properly.

For complete details and a demonstration on how to activate the alerts, check out this video: