Software Enhancements – December 2021

Form Designer

Added the ability to copy a form. User role of Administrator or “Add Form” level required. If a form has a custom lookup (eg. Check to see if a narcotics label has been submitted on another form), the lookup function will not be copied. You will need to contact Support for us to move that functionality to the new form (no charge).

Close Balance of Shift

If this feature is activated, it allows schedulers the ability to check a box when scheduling and close the balance of the shift. If checked, when signing an employee onto a partial shift, eSchedule will close out the remainder of the shift.

Example: Shift: 0800-2000. Employee scheduled for 0800-1600; the 1600-2000 portion will be closed.

Please contact Support to activate this feature (no charge).

Schedule Approvals

This feature allows Basic users who schedule themselves to send their schedule to a Department Administrator for approval. Contact Support for more information about this feature (no charge).

Monthly/Bi-Monthly Pay Period on Time Card

Time cards can now display monthly or bi-monthly pay periods. This feature is live for all customers who have a monthly or bi-monthly pay period.

Department Notifications with Labor Distribution

For customers using the Labor Distribution feature, on the employee profile screen, users can now choose which departments they want to receive notifications for.