EMS Week 2014

National EMS Week is May 18-24, 2014. It’s the one week in the year that EMTs, paramedics and other ambulance first responders are acknowledged and placed in the spotlight. We work with so many great EMS agencies, helping them with their scheduling and agency management needs. Our staff sees great work being done year-round but it’s nice to see this one special week dedicated just to the medical first responders.

If nothing else, the media and greater public can recognize the dedicated and hard work put in day in and day out. Although things have improved, we find that EMS is often under recognized and appreciated. Our goal is to help highlight the fine work you do and as a company, we’ll be promoting EMS week and offering some special promotions coming up later this month.

Stay tuned and check back here on our Blog, on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. We’ll be sharing some exciting news in the coming weeks!